Лексико-граматичні завдання

Underline the correct word.
1 This book is (my\mine).
2Mr Smith is (their\theirs)teacher.
3 This is (our\ours) house.
4 (My\mine) dog is black and white.
5 The black skirt is (her\hers).
6 This is Pedro’s book. It is (his\hers).
7 This car is (their\theirs).
8 Dr Black is (her\hers) doctor.

Change to the plural.
1 My cat is black. – Our cats are black.
2 This dog is white. - ……….
3 He is an old man. - ……….
4 She is a good teacher. - ……….
5 I am tall. - ……….
6 This clown is funny. - ……….
7 This fox is brown. - ……….
8 It is a book. - ……….
Fill in some or any.
1 Are there … eggs in fridge?
2 Is there … cake late ?
3 I have got … pictures to show you.
4 Lets have … ice-cream.

5 Is there … bread on the table.

Dictionary Activities
Яке зі слів у кожній парі написано правильно. Обведіть відповідну літеру А чи В.
1.    A special                               B special
2.    A advertisement                B advertisement
3.    A motorcycle                      B motorcycle
4.    A luggage                             B luggege
5.    A passanger                        B passenger
6.     A discaunt                          B discount
7.    A reseption                         B reception
8.    A performance                  B performance
9.    A Olimpic                             B Olympic
10.                       A analysis                             B analisis

Розділіть прикметники  на дві групи, як у прикладі.
1.    Personality
Positive                                Negative
1 brave________________________
2 ____________________________
3 ____________________________
4 ____________________________
5 _____________________________
6 _____________________________
7 _____________________________
Careless  reliable  cheerful  vain  arrogant  generous  modest  mean
Neat  stubborn  brave  famous  disloyal  tidy  selfish  bossy  dull

2.    Food
Positive                  Negative
1 delicious___________________
2 __________________________
3 __________________________
4 __________________________
5 __________________________

Fatty  appetizing  delicious  stale  mild  bland  nutritious  sour
bitter  sweet

Choose the correct word.
1 My new job is great.  Everyone is really interested| friendly| afraid.
2 my sister has blue eyes and dressed| small | fair hair.
3 I’m not kind| strong| tall enough to lift these boxes.
4 My sister likes to help other people. She is very kind| afraid| thin.
5 I broke my dad’s computer and he was really afraid| careful| angry.
6 When Patrick was ill, he didn’t eat much and he became rather blonde| careful| thin.

  Work and jobs

Choose the correct word.
1 I need a day off| out next Wednesday to go to the hospital.
2 Summer is the hurry| busy time of year for the seaside hotels.
3 How much will she take| earn in her new job?
4 Victor is good engineer| mechanic, although it’s not his job, so he fixed my motorbike.
5 There aren’t enough parking spaces for all the staff| colleagues to bring cars to work.
6 I’ve got so much work to do that I need an appointment| assistant to help me.


Choose the correct word.
1 He went to visit some elderly houses| monuments| relatives.
2 Nick has a rather handsome face| car| coat.
3 Sally has terribly weak skin| head| legs after her long illness.
4 Robert’s letter criticized their selfish thoughts| behavior| argument towards him.
5 She always had a serious idea| behaviour| attitude towards her work.

Choose the correct word.
The way that people dress has changed a lot over the centuries, and clothes that were once confident| selfish| fashionable can seem very strange just a few years later. Similarly, someone who is the ideal weight| height| haircut in one period may seem too fat in another.
The idea of how a man should look if he is to be described as handsome|selfish| rude can change. And even the way that people figure| behave|serious, and how we feel about it, is differentfrom one period to another. For example, in the nineteenth century, young girls were expected to be shy| male| keen and not speak unless someone spoke to them. Now, though, in many countries they are expected to be much more elderly|confident| middle-aged-no different from a boy, in fact.

Choose the correct word
1 Tomorrow is a friendly| excited| special day because it is my birthday.
2 Maria is very kind |angry |worried and likes to help all her friends.
3 When Herman is thirsty| bored| brave, he watches TV.
4 Xavier is interested| ready| alone in basketball, and he plays it every weekend.
5 I’m strange| free|afraid  tomorrow, so we can meet at midday.


Choose the correct word.
1 A terrible| amusing| anxious thing has just happened; I’ve lost my wallet.
2 I was certain| surprised| marvelous to see Sam at the party. I thought he was on holiday.
3 John is really pleasant| wonderful| pleased that he got promotion at work.
4 My teacher was jealous| confused| sure that I’d made the right decision to go to university.
5 I’m really nervous| disappointed| confident that I didn’t pass my driving test.
6 Whose amused| stupid| embarrassed idea was to see how many hamburgers we could eat?


Choose the correct word.
Time for pizza
Lara came home from work tired and hungry. She came in and took off her shoes in the hall| garage. She took off her coat and left it on the armchair light| and went into the kitchen.
She opened every cupboard| bookshelf, but there was nothing to eat. So she telephoned the Italian restaurant on the high street and asked them to deliver a pizza. She then turned on the lamps| mirror and sat down to wait.
The carpet on the floor| downstairs was dirty, but she was too tired to think about it. She heard the sound of the heating| lift outside her apartment and got up. “It must be the pizza man”, she thought. So she opened the door.

Describing objects
Choose the correct word
1 He poured some thick |board cream over the fruit.
2 The fire started because of rough | damaged wire.
3 Their house is old-fashioned |average but comfortable.
4 A narrow |sharp path led from the village to the beach.
5 This machine works best on completely equal|flat ground.

Health and medicine
Choose the correct word
1 My doctor is very busy. I always have to make an accident |appointment to see him.
2 When your teeth hurt, you must see a dentist |chemist.
3 Amir put a bandage |glove on his arm when he cut it.
4 David fell |felt off his bike and broke his finger.
5 I must exercise more if I want to get health |fit.

Choose the correct word.
1 If you aren’t feeling very well, it’s a good idea to go to your doctor’s for an operation | a check-up | a pharmacy.
2 If you take regular exercise |X-rays |tablets, you’re likely to stay healthy for longer.
3 It’s a good idea to wash and cover a cut, otherwise you might get fever | cancer | an infection.
4 An ambulance crew will attend the marathon in case any of the runners get injured | pain | heart attack.
5 A high temperature | infection | flu is one of the symptoms of meningitis.

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